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We are respected as an association for our authority, technical knowledge, and role as the collective voice of the steel construction industry. Our proactive approach and small but dynamic staff compliment enable us to provide insight and support to professionals and companies in the building and construction industry.

Recent Articles

The SAISC Broadens its Influence on the Steel Industry

The SAISC ‘group’ now includes 10 associations. I would like to welcome all the associations on board and hope we can work together to grow STEEL in Southern Africa. It is comforting to know that we have a very experienced group of passionate steel people with whom we can face the challenges of today. Watch this space as there may be more exciting things to come.

The associations are:

SAISC – Southern African Institute of Steel Construction

SASFA – Southern African Light Steel Building Association

SAMCRA – Southern African Metal Cladding and Roofing Association

POLASA – Powerline Association of Southern Africa

ASTPM – Association of Steel Tube and Pipe Manufacturers

SWADASA – Steel Window and Door Association of South Africa

SARASA – Southern African Racking and Shelving Association

ISF – S.A. International Steel Fabricators

STEASA – Steel Tube Export Association of South Africa

ASSD – Association of Structural Steel Draughtsman

SAISC School of Draughting

As a group of associations we need to reinvigorate all that we do and restructure an organisation with sub-associations or divisions to make a real difference in growing the steel industry in Southern Africa. I ask for your support and input for us to make a real impact on the needs of the industry.

There have been a number of discussions and articles in the press regarding the industry of late. On all occasions where we have been invited to comment on the state of the industry we have emphasised the importance of releasing projects and creating confidence to encourage investment.  As a collective, we should all lobby to ensure more projects come on stream.

As you are no doubt aware ITAC is currently processing import tariff amendments to various steel products which are aimed at reducing the flood of imports into South Africa and levelling the playing fields to some extent.  We are currently embarking on an exercise to provide a full view of our industry to ensure that we achieve some balance with import tariff regulations. For example, on Fabricated Structural Steel we may have an import tariff on input material of 10% which is balanced by an import tariff on finished goods of 15%. Your inputs and formal comments on these amendments are very important.

Innovation and competitiveness are key. The world is constantly changing at a rapid pace and we must make sure that we are prepared with an educated and skilled workforce.  On the education front, we are busy exploring the possibility of offering company specific training to accommodate the needs of some of our members.

On the designation front we would like to congratulate the hard work of POLASA as we now have a much broader range of products designated in the transmission line industry.  Fabricated structural steel should now follow closely.