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A message from the SAISC’s Chairperson: Quality and what it means for our members, the local and Pan-African steel sector

Quality and what it means for any industry is an ever-evolving concept – and question. As technologies evolve, so too must industries and the standards used to measure vital elements such as quality. The steel industry is no exception to this rule.

Quality travels

The SAISC prides itself on being at the forefront of the latest technology and trends impacting the steel construction sector and value chain. This includes attending flagship international events such as the American Institute of Steel Construction’s (AISC) annual conference, held earlier this year in April. CEO Amanuel Gebremeskel, together with a group of our members, represented the SAISC at this prestigious global steel event. Quality was naturally high on the agenda at the conference, where the latest steel construction technologies and techniques were showcased and discussed. In addition, valuable networking took place between the SAISC, its members and those of international steel sector companies – and sister Institutes – which also attended.

The critical technical learnings and knowledge gathered at events such as the above are constantly communicated via the SAISC’s local networking events, training seminars and communications platforms, such as this new SAISC online newsletter – The Link – and our revamped website: creating diverse opportunities for SAISC members to be made aware of the latest trends in the global industry.

Nicolette Skjoldhammer – Chairperson, SAISC

Talking quality

Further to the above, the SAISC offers a supportive, inclusive network where issues relating to pivotal considerations such as quality can be debated. For example, recently at an industry breakfast organised by the SAISC, the quality of steel was one of many topical points raised, initiating engaging discussions with members which focused on how to deal with this important concern affecting every company within the steel value chain.

Team Africa, Team Quality

As the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement gains momentum across the continent it is vital that African companies and countries take the long-term view of ‘sowing the seeds for the future’, supporting one another and combining resources, skills and experience to lead the way as ‘Team Africa’ in the provision of quality steel products.

One of the ways in which industrial supply chains on the African continent can collaboratively drive growth, is when companies focusing on the supply, processing, fabrication and erection of steel structures join forces to deliver Pan-African infrastructure projects in the mining, power generation, petrochemical and other industries.

AfCFTA itself is evidence that key stakeholders are already thinking and engaging along the lines of procurement in terms of a ‘Team Africa’ concept and mechanism – and it is vital we also do our part to contribute to this – and also to harmonise our steel quality standards across the continent.

Quality certification

This is why the SAISC is currently in the planning stages of launching a new quality certification programme that will enhance our existing role as a custodian of quality across the steel value chain, enabling companies to obtain an original SAISC certification – our stamp of quality approval – that will give their clients the peace of mind that products and processes have been evaluated by the SAISC, and have achieved a high standard of international quality.

We sincerely hope that the many innovators, trailblazers and pioneers in our membership base will be among the first to work with us to both develop, implement and monitor this exciting new quality certification programme. Our CEO Amanuel Gebremeskel shares more about how we plan to roll this programme out in the coming months, which you can read HERE.

We look forward to embarking on this dynamic quality journey with you all – both to acknowledge the already existing high standards attained, and to further raise the quality bar across the steel supply value chain both locally and across the continent.

Yours sincerely Nicolette Skjoldhammer


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